Little People, Great Purpose


Hello! We are passionate about teaching the children to know God, love God, and serve God. We seek to help children build Godly characters and treat themselves and others according to the Bible’s teachings. Our Sunday Schools and events throughout the year are filled with fun, creative, and engaging activities designed to foster the children’ faith. Please join us on Sundays at 11am. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.



Sunday School on Sundays at 11am

Kids from 18 months to grade 6 are welcome!


We strive to build environments that are fun, exciting, inviting and inclusive. We use age appropriate materials and divide our kids into 4 classes: toddler (18m - 4y), junior (JK - G1),  intermediate (G2-4), and senior (G5 - 6).

我們努力打造有趣和包容的環境。我們使用適合不同年齡段的教材,並將孩子分成四個班級:幼兒(18個月 - 4歲)、小班(幼稚園 - 一年級)、中班(二年級 - 四年級)和大班(五年級 - 六年級)。

What's On

Don’t worry — it’s not time for a new pair of glasses just yet! We made these pictures fuzzy for a reason! During “Let’s Focus,” kids will see a series of blurry pictures. As the pictures gradually become clear, they’ll race to say what it is. Each picture helps make the truth of God’s Word easy to see and brings into focus the forever love of Jesus.


別擔心,不是你的眼鏡問題!我們故意把圖片弄模糊了!在「Let's Focus」活動中,孩子們會看到一系列逐漸變清晰的圖片,並比賽搶答。每張圖片都幫助孩子們更清楚地看見上帝話語的真理,以及耶穌永恆的愛。


Fun Times