VBS Volunteer Application Form 2023

Thank you for your interest in serving the Lord and our children at VBS this summer (July 31 to Augst 4). Please prayerfully consider your involvement and read through the prerequisites before you apply. Please fill out the google form below and complete both parental and personal waiver by Sunday March 19, 2023. 


Your interview (could be in person or online) will be scheduled after your application has been reviewed through e-mail communication. If you have any questions, please contact Eva Ho at eva@ceact.ca or Joyce Ho at joyce@ceact.ca

the prerequisites will be sent to you via email once the application is completed and submitted


1. Applicants must have completed Grade 9 by June 2023 to apply. 


2. All applicants must attend the following all trainings and meetings**, and are required to make arrangements to keep the dates available:


a) Orientation: May 6th @09:00 - 15:00

b) Second training: June 4th @13:00 - 15:30

c) Third trainning: July 8th @09:30-12:30

c) Final meeting: July 23rd @13:00 - 15:30

d) Decoration & Setup: Sunday July 30th @13:00 - 20:00


** trainings and meetings are mandatory and will provide volunteers with an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills for VBS  and build reports with other volunteers. Failure to attend may result in removal from your position


3. Applicants must be willing to comply with the camp policies and must be able to assist the camp on a full-time basis


4. The result of interview will be annouced by the 3rd week of April. The volunteer spots are limited, please make sure to submit the application before the deadline in order to be considered for the interview. Signup doesn't guarantee to have the volunteering spot.