VBS Decoration Team 2023
VBS Decoration Team 2023
That is right! We are already starting to prepare for VBS 2023! If you are interested in helping our decoration team, please read through the agreements below before you sign up!
Note: this is not an application for VBS volunteer. The application for VBS volunteers will start in the first week of March.
If you or your parents (if you are under 18 years old) have any questions, please contact Eva Ho at eva@ceact.ca
Signup deadline:
January 29th, 2023
Every Sunday afternoon 1pm - 4 pm starting from April 2nd
As I sign up, I have read and agree to the following terms:
1. I will be able to work on camp decorations every Sunday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm starting from the first sunday of April
2. If I am under 18 years old, I will make sure my parents know about this commitment as well
3. I will attend at least 3 times a month
4. I will make sure my work is done before the expected deadlines, and follow & respect my decoration leaders